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Get RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest for Free and Enjoy the Ultimate Horror Experience with Cheat Menu Plugin

RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest Free Download [cheat]

If you are a fan of RPG Maker MV and horror games, you might be interested in downloading the DLC pack called RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest. This pack contains tiles and characters inspired by 70s and 80s summer camp horror movies, such as Friday the 13th, The Burning, Sleepaway Camp, etc. You can use this pack to create your own horror games with modern RPGs, survival horror games, adventure games and more. But what if you want to spice up your game with some cheats? Well, there is a plugin that allows you to access a cheat menu in game, where you can edit various aspects of your game, such as exp, stats, gold, items, switches, variables, etc. You can also toggle god mode, no clip, teleport, and other fun options. In this article, we will show you how to download and use both the DLC pack and the cheat plugin for RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest.

RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest Free Download [cheat]

What is RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest?

A brief introduction to the DLC pack and its features

RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest is a downloadable content pack for RPG Maker MV that was released on December 20, 2017. It was developed by Vexed Enigma and published by KOMODO. It is part of the POP! series of resources that are designed for modern RPGs. This pack contains tiles and characters inspired by 70s and 80s summer camp horror movies. It features 16 new hero characters and 4 creepy killers, each with sprites and facesets. It also includes a full forest tileset with animated water, terrain auto-tiles, trees, tents, altars, boats, campfires, rope bridges and more. It also has a full exterior lodge tileset with wall auto-tiles, signs, windows, doors, ladders, picnic tables, barns, spooky house tiles, decking, lights and more. And finally, it has a full interior tileset with wall auto-tiles, lodge furniture, mansion tiles, fireplaces, bunkhouse tiles, dilapidated environments and more. You can use this pack to create some truly unique locations by pairing it with the fully compatible POP! Horror City Bundle pack.

How to install and use the DLC pack

To install and use the DLC pack for RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest, you need to have the base application RPG Maker MV on Steam. You can buy the DLC pack from Steam or from KOMODO Plaza. Once you have purchased the DLC pack, you can download it from your Steam library or from your KOMODO account. To use the DLC pack in your game project, you need to copy and paste the contents of the Cheat_Menu folder into the folder with your Game.exe file. Then you need to patch your www/js/plugins.js file by backing it up and adding this line at the end:

& "name": "Cheat_Menu", "status": true, "description": "Adds a cheat menu to the game.", "parameters":

After that, you can launch your game and enjoy the DLC pack. You can access the tiles and characters from the database and the resource manager in RPG Maker MV. You can also use the sample maps provided by the DLC pack to get some inspiration or to test the tiles and characters. You can find the sample maps in the DLC folder under RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest > Sample Maps.

What is RPG Maker MV Cheat Menu Plugin?

A brief introduction to the plugin and its features

RPG Maker MV Cheat Menu Plugin is a plugin for RPG Maker MV that was created by SumRndmDde. It allows you to access a cheat menu in game, where you can edit various aspects of your game, such as exp, stats, gold, items, switches, variables, etc. You can also toggle god mode, no clip, teleport, and other fun options. The plugin is compatible with most RPG Maker MV games, including those that use the DLC pack for RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest. The plugin is free to download and use for personal and commercial projects.

How to install and use the plugin

To install and use the plugin for RPG Maker MV Cheat Menu Plugin, you need to have the base application RPG Maker MV on Steam. You can download the plugin from SumRndmDde's website or from his YouTube channel. Once you have downloaded the plugin, you need to copy and paste it into the js/plugins folder of your game project. Then you need to open your game project in RPG Maker MV and go to the Plugin Manager. There you need to add a new entry and select the Cheat_Menu.js file. You can also configure some parameters for the plugin, such as the key to open the cheat menu, the font size, the background opacity, etc. After that, you can save your project and launch your game. To access the cheat menu in game, you need to press the key that you assigned in the plugin parameters (by default it is F9). You will see a menu with various options that you can select and edit. You can also use the mouse or touch input to navigate the menu.

How to use cheats in RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest

How to access the cheat menu and its options

To access the cheat menu in RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest, you need to have both the DLC pack and the cheat plugin installed and enabled in your game project. Then you need to launch your game and press the key that you assigned in the plugin parameters (by default it is F9). You will see a menu with various options that you can select and edit. The options are divided into categories, such as:

  • Player: This category allows you to edit your party members' exp, level, stats, skills, equipment, etc.

  • Party: This category allows you to edit your party size, formation, gold, items, weapons, armors, etc.

  • Map: This category allows you to edit your map location, coordinates, region id, encounters rate, etc.

  • Switches: This category allows you to edit your game switches on or off.

  • Variables: This category allows you to edit your game variables with any value.

  • Options: This category allows you to toggle some options on or off, such as god mode, no clip, teleport, debug mode, etc.

  • Console: This category allows you to open a console window where you can enter commands or scripts for advanced cheats.

You can use the arrow keys or the mouse wheel to scroll through the options. You can use the enter key or the left mouse button to select an option. You can use the escape key or the right mouse button to go back or close the menu. You can also use some keyboard shortcuts for quick access:

  • F1: Toggle god mode on or off.

  • F2: Toggle no clip on or off.

  • F3: Toggle teleport on or off.

  • F4: Toggle debug mode on or off.

  • F5: Refreshes all cheats.

  • F6: Opens a window where you can enter a map id and coordinates to teleport there.

  • F7: Opens a window where you can enter an item id and quantity to add it to your inventory.

  • F8: Opens a window where you can enter a switch id and value (true or false) to set it to that value.

  • F9: Opens or closes the cheat menu.

How to edit exp, stats, gold, items, etc.

To edit exp, stats, gold, items, and other aspects of your game, you need to access the cheat menu and select the category that you want to edit. For example, if you want to edit your party members' exp, you need to select the Player category and then select the party member that you want to edit. You will see a list of options that you can edit, such as exp, level, hp, mp, tp, atk, def, mat, mdf, agi, luk, etc. You can use the arrow keys or the mouse wheel to scroll through the options. You can use the enter key or the left mouse button to select an option. You will see a window where you can enter a new value for that option. You can use the backspace key or the right mouse button to delete a digit. You can use the enter key or the left mouse button to confirm the new value. You can use the escape key or the right mouse button to cancel the change. You can also use some keyboard shortcuts for quick editing:

  • Q: Increases the value by 10.

  • W: Increases the value by 100.

  • E: Increases the value by 1000.

  • R: Increases the value by 10000.

  • A: Decreases the value by 10.

  • S: Decreases the value by 100.

  • D: Decreases the value by 1000.

  • F: Decreases the value by 10000.

You can edit other categories in a similar way. For example, if you want to edit your gold, you need to select the Party category and then select Gold. If you want to edit your items, you need to select the Party category and then select Items. You will see a list of items that you have in your inventory. You can use the arrow keys or the mouse wheel to scroll through the items. You can use the enter key or the left mouse button to select an item. You will see a window where you can enter a new quantity for that item. You can also use some keyboard shortcuts for quick editing:

  • Q: Increases the quantity by 1.

  • W: Increases the quantity by 10.

  • E: Increases the quantity by 100.

  • R: Increases the quantity by 1000.

  • A: Decreases the quantity by 1.

  • S: Decreases the quantity by 10.

  • D: Decreases the quantity by 100.

  • F: Decreases the quantity by 1000.

You can also add new items to your inventory by using F7 shortcut or by selecting Add Item from the cheat menu. You will see a window where you can enter an item id and quantity to add it to your inventory. You can find the item ids in the database or in the cheat menu under Items > List All Items.

How to toggle god mode, no clip, teleport, etc.

To toggle god mode, no clip, teleport, and other options, you need to access the cheat menu and select the Options category. You will see a list of options that you can toggle on or off, such as:

  • God Mode: This option makes your party invincible to any damage or status effects.

  • No Clip: This option allows your party to walk through walls and obstacles.

  • Teleport: This option allows your party to teleport to any location on the map by clicking on it.

  • Debug Mode: This option enables the debug menu, where you can access some developer tools and features.

  • Show FPS: This option shows the frames per second of your game on the screen.

  • Show Coordinates: This option shows the map coordinates of your party on the screen.

  • Show Region ID: This option shows the region id of the tile that your party is standing on.

  • Show Collision: This option shows the collision boxes of the tiles and events on the map.

You can use the arrow keys or the mouse wheel to scroll through the options. You can use the enter key or the left mouse button to toggle an option on or off. You can also use some keyboard shortcuts for quick toggling:

  • F1: Toggle god mode on or off.

  • F2: Toggle no clip on or off.

  • F3: Toggle teleport on or off.

  • F4: Toggle debug mode on or off.

How to use the console and the debug menu for advanced cheats

To use the console and the debug menu for advanced cheats, you need to access the cheat menu and select the Console category. You will see a window where you can enter commands or scripts for advanced cheats. You can use the backspace key or the right mouse button to delete a character. You can use the enter key or the left mouse button to execute a command or script. You can use the escape key or the right mouse button to close the console window. You can also use some keyboard shortcuts for quick access:

  • Tab: Autocompletes a command or script.

  • Up Arrow: Shows the previous command or script that you entered.

  • Down Arrow: Shows the next command or script that you entered.

You can use various commands or scripts in the console window, such as:

  • help(): Shows a list of available commands and scripts.

  • eval(expression): Evaluates an expression and returns its value.

  • $gameParty.gainGold(amount): Adds a specified amount of gold to your party.

  • $gameParty.gainItem(item, amount): Adds a specified item and quantity to your party.

  • $gameSwitches.setValue(id, value): Sets a specified switch id and value (true or false) in your game.

  • $gameVariables.setValue(id, value): Sets a specified variable id and value in your game.

  • $gamePlayer.reserveTransfer(mapId, x, y, d): Reserves a transfer to a specified map id and coordinates with a specified direction (2 = down, 4 = left, 6 = right, 8 = up).

You can also access some developer tools and features by toggling debug mode on in the cheat menu. You will see a new icon on the top right corner of your screen that opens the debug menu when you click on it. The debug menu has various tabs that allow you to edit different aspects of your game, such as:

  • Map Info: Shows information about your current map, such as name, id, size, tileset, events, etc.

  • Event Info: Shows information about your current event, such as name, id, page, conditions, commands, etc.

  • Event Search: Allows you to search for events by name, id, page, condition, command, etc.

  • Event Test: Allows you to test an event by running its commands in game.

  • Database: Allows you to edit your game database in game, such as actors, classes, skills, items , weapons, armors, enemies, troops, states, animations, tilesets, common events, system, terms, etc.

  • Playtest: Allows you to playtest your game from the current map and position.

  • Save: Allows you to save your game in any slot.

  • Load: Allows you to load your game from any slot.

  • Exit: Allows you to exit your game.

You can use the mouse or touch input to navigate the debug menu. You can also use some keyboard shortcuts for quick access:

  • Ctrl + F9: Opens or closes the debug menu.

  • Ctrl + F10: Switches between tabs in the debug menu.

  • Ctrl + F11: Refreshes the debug menu.

  • Ctrl + F12: Opens the developer tools window where you can inspect and modify your game code and assets.

Tips and tricks for using cheats in RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest

How to avoid breaking the game or missing events

While using cheats in RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest can be fun and convenient, it can also cause some problems or glitches in your game. For example, if you edit your exp, level, stats, or equipment too much, you might make your party too powerful or too weak for the game balance. If you edit your gold, items, switches, or variables too much, you might mess up some quests or events that depend on them. If you toggle god mode, no clip, teleport, or debug mode on, you might skip some important scenes or triggers that are essential for the game progression. Therefore, it is advisable to use cheats with caution and moderation. Here are some tips and tricks to avoid breaking the game or missing events:

  • Before using cheats, make a backup of your save file or use a different slot to save your game. This way, you can restore your game to its original state if something goes wrong.

  • After using cheats, refresh your cheats by pressing F5 or by selecting Refresh Cheats from the cheat menu. This will update your game data and prevent some errors or conflicts.

  • Before toggling god mode, no clip, teleport, or debug mode on, make sure you are not in a cutscene, a battle, a dialogue, or a transition. This will prevent some glitches or crashes that might occur if you interrupt these events.

  • After toggling god mode, no clip, teleport, or debug mode on, make sure you toggle them off before entering a new map, a new event, a new battle, or a new scene. This will prevent some bugs or skips that might occur if you bypass these events.

  • If you are not sure what a switch or a variable does in your game, do not edit it unless you know what you are doing. You might accidentally activate or deactivate some events that are not supposed to happen at that point of the game.

  • If you want to use the console or the debug menu for advanced cheats , make sure you have some basic knowledge of JavaScript and RPG Maker MV code and syntax. You might cause some errors or crashes if you enter invalid or incompatible commands or scripts.

How to create your own characters and killers with POP! resources

One of the advantages of using the DLC pack for RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest is that you can create your own characters and killers with the POP! resources. You can use the character generator in RPG Maker MV to customize the appearance, clothing, accessories, and expressions of your characters. You can also use the resource manager in RPG Maker MV to import, export, edit, or create your own sprites and facesets. Here are some tips and tricks to create your own characters and killers with POP! resources:

  • To use the character generator in RPG Maker MV, go to Tools > Character Generator. There you can select a base character and modify its parts, such as hair, eyes, mouth, nose, ears, clothes, accessories, etc. You can also change the color of each part by using the color picker or the hue slider. You can preview your character on the right side of the window. You can also change its expression by selecting one of the four options: (None), (Damage), (Special), or (Sleep). You can save your character as a sprite sheet or a faceset by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the window. You can name your file and choose a folder to save it.

  • To use the resource manager in RPG Maker MV, go to Tools > Resource Manager. There you can manage your game assets, such as images, audio, data, etc. You can import, export, edit, or create your own assets by using the buttons at the top of the window. You can also preview your assets on the right side of the window. You can use any image editing software to edit or create your own sprites and facesets. You just need to follow some rules and conventions for RPG Maker MV to recognize them correctly. For example, a sprite sheet should have 12 frames (3 columns and 4 rows) for each character, with each frame being 48x48 pixels. A faceset should have 8 faces (2 columns and 4 rows) for each character, with each face being 144x144 pixels.

  • To create your own characters and killers with POP! resources, you can mix and match different parts from the DLC pack and the base application. For example, you can use a hero body from the DLC pack and a killer mask from the base application to create a masked killer. Or you can use a killer body from the DLC pack and a hero face from the base application to create a disguised killer. You can also use some parts from other POP! packs or other RPG Maker MV packs to create more variety and diversity in your characters and killers.

How to combine tiles and create unique locations with POP! Horror City Bundle pack

Another advantage of using the DLC pack for RPG Maker MV - POP: Slasher Forest is that you can combine tiles and create unique locations with the POP! Horror City Bundle pack. This pack contains tiles and characters inspired by modern urban horror movies, such as Scream, Saw, The Purge, etc. It features 16 new hero characters and 4 creepy killers, each with sprites and facesets. It also includes a full city tileset with animated water , terrain auto-tiles, buildings, roads, cars, street lights, signs, trash cans and more. It also has a full interior tileset with wall auto-tiles, furniture, appliances, electronics, blood stains, graffiti and more. And finally, it has a full sewer tileset with wall auto-tiles, pipes, grates, waterfalls, rats and more. Y


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