Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown-CPY
Putting gamers in the cockpit of the most advanced war planes ever developed, ACE COMBAT 7 delivers the fiercest air combat experience ever created through photorealistic visuals, intense dog-fighting action, a multitude of authentic and futuristic aircraft to fly, an immersive storyline, and even virtual reality!
Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown-CPY
A working fix to change the game language to Russian: ace_combat_7_Golderg_Lan_Emu.rar ATTENTION just in case save all your changes to the original game. 1. Download and unpack the archive file. 2. Roaming the contents of the archive in the folder at ???:\ Games\ Ace Combat 7 - Skies Unknown\ Engine\ Binaries\ ThirdParty\ Steamworks\ Steamv139\ Win64 agree with the replacement files. 3. Start the game change something in the options and exit the game. 4. Go to the address C:\ Users\ username\ AppData\ Roaming\ SteamEmu Goldberg Saves\ settings open file language.txt with a text editor and write english instead russian. To restore your save: open the file user_steam_id.txt located at the path C:\ Users\username\ AppData\ Roaming\ SteamEmu Goldberg Saves\ settings model name of your folder 292733975847239680(C:\ Users\username\ AppData\Local\ BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment\ ACE COMBAT 7\ SaveGames\). Thank you infer1905 and especially Rogue, gun0304gon.
If anyone is experiencing problems with soapy, unloaded aircraft in the hangar or pixelated cloud textures in the game, then here I have collected a solution to this problem: _combat_7/problemy_s_teksturami-1002181/ See my latest message.