Download Irshell For Psp 660 13 Fixed
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How to Download and Install IRShell for PSP 6.60
IRShell is a popular application that allows you to customize and enhance your PSP experience. With IRShell, you can run multiple applications at the same time, listen to music while playing games, use your PSP as a universal remote control, access files on your PC or other devices via USB or WiFi, and much more. IRShell was originally created by AhMan and has been updated by various developers over the years.
If you have a PSP with custom firmware 6.60, you can download and install IRShell using the following steps:
Download the latest version of IRShell from here. The current version is 5.2, which supports all of Dark-AleX's firmwares up to 5.00 M33-6, except for 2.71 SE and 3.90 M33.
Extract the ZIP file and copy the irshell folder to the root of your memory stick.
Copy the irshell.prx file from the irshell folder to the seplugins folder on your memory stick. If you don't have a seplugins folder, create one.
Edit the vsh.txt file in the seplugins folder and add this line at the end: ms0:/irshell/irshell.prx 1
Edit the game.txt file in the seplugins folder and add this line at the end: ms0:/irshell/irshell.prx 1
Edit the pops.txt file in the seplugins folder and add this line at the end: ms0:/irshell/irshell.prx 1
Restart your PSP and hold the R button to enter the recovery menu.
Select Plugins and enable irshell.prx [VSH], irshell.prx [GAME], and irshell.prx [POPS]. Press X to exit.
Launch IRShell from the XMB by selecting it under Game > Memory Stick.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed IRShell on your PSP 6.60. You can now enjoy its many features and functions. For more information on how to use IRShell, check out its official website or read its user guide.
Some of the IRShell Features and Functions
IRShell has many features and functions that make it a powerful and versatile application for your PSP. Here are some of them:
Universal iR Remote: IRShell can use the infrared port on your PSP to control over 2000 devices, such as TVs, DVD players, air conditioners, etc. You can also create your own remote profiles or download them from the internet.
File Browser: IRShell can access files on your memory stick, UMD disc, PC hard disk or DVD-ROM drive via USB or WiFi. You can also transfer files between two PSPs via adhoc WiFi. You can open various types of files directly from the file browser, such as PMP movies, Atrac3 audio, PMF movies, text files, PDF files, images, PSP apps, ZIP and RAR archives.
MP3 Player: IRShell can play MP3 files from your memory stick or PC hard disk via USB or WiFi. You can also listen to your favorite MP3s while playing UMD games or homebrews. You can control the volume, mute, shuffle, repeat and playlist functions with the PSP buttons.
Snapshot: IRShell can take snapshots of any homebrews, UMD games, MP4 movies or UMD movies. You can save the snapshots as PNG images on your memory stick or PC hard disk via USB or WiFi. You can also view the snapshots in the file browser.
Alarm Clock: IRShell can set an alarm clock to remind you of important events. You can choose the alarm sound, volume and duration. You can also snooze or cancel the alarm with the PSP buttons.
Multitasking: IRShell can switch between a UMD game/homebrew and any of the IRShell built-in functions instantly. This means you can combine the functionality of different applications with IRShell. For example, you can use the iR Remote to control your TV while playing a UMD game.
These are just some of the features and functions that IRShell offers. For more information on how to use IRShell, check out its official website or read its user guide. 061ffe29dd