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Behold I hold you? It is only necessary that you look. I asked precisely because I was holding you, and I am not surprised to see your countenance fall; but if you wish me to look longer, close your eyes and draw a long breath, and I will do so. I begin to breathe now, and see the blood-red cherries on the right hand side of the glass and myself breathing. The cherries continue to fan each other over the glass, and so we breathe together our last breath.

I seem to have heard you say that you were sure you could stay with me for some days; still I am not sure, for how can one die, except by old age, when there will be no more living; this is an absurdity. But why do you talk to me about dying? You will be dead, and I will be as well. I will bear your sight for just a little longer, until my eyes give way, and so I will be neither your hearer nor your speaker after that, but your silent doer,—having no tongue to mince discourse by, and no discerning eyes to see questions which it were better to answer. But unless we give way, to no purpose, we will talk of nothing but dying. We will take no count of our age, of each other's youth, or of our companions' age. Deficiency of living will not be the sole and only subject of our discourse. It is when we have talked quite enough of death that people fall to quarreling about marriage. I am a sad old man, yet I have never found in my experience that persons who fall to marriage merely because they cannot live without it, have married those who added the least possible qualification to the common requisites of human nature, and so will never have good influence on their children, whom it is not much harder to spoil than to improve. I almost think it is not only of late deaths that people fall to marrying; they fall to marrying, for instance, at the age of forty. d2c66b5586


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