##HOT## Download Ebook Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar Soerjono 87
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##HOT## Download Ebook Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar Soerjono 87
Download Ebook Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar Soerjono 87
If you are looking for a comprehensive introduction to sociology, you might be interested in downloading the ebook of Sosiologi: Suatu Pengantar by Soerjono Soekanto. This book was first published in 1982 by Rajawali, Jakarta, and has been revised and reprinted several times since then. It covers various topics and perspectives in sociology, such as culture, socialization, social structure, social change, social problems, and social movements. The book also includes examples and cases from Indonesia and other countries to illustrate the sociological concepts and theories.
To download the ebook of Sosiologi: Suatu Pengantar, you can visit one of the following websites:
Google Books: You can preview some pages of the book and buy the ebook from Google Play.
Google Books: You can preview some pages of the book and buy the ebook from Google Play.
Google Books: You can preview some pages of the book and buy the ebook from Google Play.
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I hope this helps you find the ebook you are looking for. Happy reading! ðIn this article, we will give you a brief overview of the main topics and themes that are discussed in Sosiologi: Suatu Pengantar by Soerjono Soekanto. The book is divided into 14 chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of sociology. Here are the summaries of each chapter:
Pengertian dan Ruang Lingkup Sosiologi: This chapter introduces the definition and scope of sociology, as well as its historical development and main branches. It also explains the relationship between sociology and other social sciences, such as anthropology, psychology, and economics.
Budaya dan Masyarakat: This chapter explores the concept and function of culture, as well as its types and characteristics. It also examines the relationship between culture and society, and how they influence each other.
Sosialisasi dan Interaksi Sosial: This chapter analyzes the process and agents of socialization, which is how individuals learn and internalize the norms and values of their society. It also discusses the types and forms of social interaction, such as cooperation, conflict, competition, and accommodation.
Struktur Sosial: This chapter describes the concept and elements of social structure, which is the patterned and stable arrangement of social roles and relationships in a society. It also explains the types and functions of social groups, such as primary and secondary groups, in-groups and out-groups, and reference groups.
Stratifikasi Sosial: This chapter examines the concept and dimensions of social stratification, which is the hierarchical division of society into different levels or classes based on various criteria, such as wealth, power, prestige, or ethnicity. It also compares the different systems of social stratification, such as slavery, caste, estate, class, and status.
Mobilitas Sosial: This chapter investigates the concept and types of social mobility, which is the movement of individuals or groups from one position to another in the social hierarchy. It also explores the factors and consequences of social mobility, such as education, occupation, marriage, migration, or social change.
Perubahan Sosial: This chapter studies the concept and characteristics of social change, which is the alteration or transformation of the social structure or culture over time. It also identifies the sources and directions of social change, such as natural factors, human factors, internal factors, external factors, evolutionary change, or revolutionary change.
Masalah-Masalah Sosial: This chapter addresses the concept and causes of social problems, which are situations or conditions