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Nvidia Cuda 4.1 For Mac

NO graphics driver from will be installed,the Lion built in driver for the Quadro 4000 for Mac will be used(v.7.12.9 270.05.10F03).Only the latest NVIDIA CUDA for Mac driver will have to be downloaded and installed manually.(Tested with NVIDIA CUDA driver v.4.0.50)

Nvidia Cuda 4.1 For Mac


okay, this might help you. I dunno what OS you have, only that you have a CUDA program with your Quadro FX 4800. If you go to nvidia's website, I think you can find the CUDA driver for nvidia cards. it's under driver downloads, then go to "Beta, Older Drivers and More" and there you wil find the Cuda driver for mac, as for getting it to run in Premier Pro, I can't say, it should support it, but if not you have to use the terminal and some other stuff to add it to

apparently after you install the CUDA driver, you have to go into system preferences for the CUDA control panel and updating it, also in Premiere Pro, after restarting, go to File, then Project Settings, then general, then Video Rendering. the cuda choice should be there. also, check out Preferences, Preview, then click on the GPU info button to launch the dialog box. also check out (the blog ) for a video on how to enable the GPU CUDA in Adobe CS 6. that's all i have

I'm using a Mac Pro 2008, EVGA GTX 680 Mac Edition, Mac OS X 10.10. I'm not experiencing this problem after I installed the latest CUDA driver (cudadriver-6.5.18-macos.dmg dated Aug 21, 2014 8:49 PM) after the NVIDIA driver was updated to 343.01.01f01.

I have currently a fx4800 and 4000 in my 5,1 machine and a few days ago I uploaded the latest cuda driver and it didn't work. So I reinstalled my graphics driver and manually installed cuda 5.5.28 and it is now working. Im still using mountain lion since mavericks was so buggy. And now Yosemite came out so fast it leads me to believe I made the right move for now. Im still using CS6 production suite and not CC, since my needs doesn't need CC at this time. To see if cuda is working I ran Cuda-Z free program to see if can access Cuda. With my current setup yes..but with the latest Cuda with the latest 313 driver for mountain lion was a fail. I hope nvidia will continue to support older cards with Cuda updates, not everyone needs to use maverick or yosemite. PS..I wish Adobe will fix the audio dropout for Premiere CS6 and not just the latest version of Premiere CC.

Third party kernel extensionscom.3dconnexion.driver (10.3.1) 351F5729-EB92-3F08-B022-6206FCA697E9com.rim.driver.BlackBerryUSBDriverInt (0.0.68) 5794FFBC-214B-B40A-95A5-07DA0A6402B6at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch (4740) 922754B9-2523-347C-A57E-527E9EA3E43Ecom.dvdfab.kext.fabio (1) no UUIDcom.kensington.trackballworks.driver (1.5.0) DB29005C-2B91-3805-A070-DE97F5D7061Fcom.nvidia.web.NVDAResmanWeb (10.3.1) 8E2AB3E3-4EE5-3F90-B6D8-54CEB8595A5Fcom.nvidia.web.NVDAGM100HalWeb (10.3.1) 16BD04F0-8B47-3565-B416-680CAD199D22com.nvidia.web.GeForceWeb (10.3.1) B4761F6B-66C5-3512-BD13-2CCC7BCC1868com.nvidia.web.NVDAResmanTeslaWeb (10.3.1) 35343102-E1DC-3CA7-9C50-2E1C8428048Acom.nvidia.web.NVDANV50HalTeslaWeb (10.3.1) 471B5445-BC1E-3CC0-B3FF-A7672E4ED7CCcom.nvidia.web.GeForceTeslaWeb (10.3.1) 951A50C2-06FC-3311-B939-BD401B0DEACFcom.AmbrosiaSW.AudioSupport (4.1.4) no UUIDcom.nvidia.CUDA (1.1.0) E13478CB-B251-3C0A-86E9-A6B56F528FE8

Third party plugins/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionClient.framework/Versions/A/3DconnexionClient/Library/GPUBundles/GeForceTeslaGLDriverWeb.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GeForceTeslaGLDriverWeb/Library/GPUBundles/GeForceTeslaGLDriverWeb.bundle/Contents/MacOS/libclh.dylib/Library/GPUBundles/GeForceGLDriverWeb.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GeForceGLDriverWeb/Library/GPUBundles/GeForceMTLDriverWeb.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GeForceMTLDriverWeb/usr/local/cuda/lib/libcuda.dylib/Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework/Versions/A/CUDA/Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libcuda_387.10.10.10_mercury.dylib/Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libfatbinaryLoader.dylib/Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libptxJitCompiler.dylib

Local CUDA/NVCC version shall support the SM architecture (a.k.a. compute capability) of your GPU.The capability of your GPU can be found at capability supported by NVCC is listed at here.If your NVCC version is too old, this can be workaround by setting environment variableTORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST to a lower, supported capability.


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