Pathloss 5 Software: Features, Functions, and Benefits
What is PATHLOSS 5.rar?
If you are looking for a comprehensive path design tool for radio links, you might have come across a file name called PATHLOSS 5.rar. This file name refers to a compressed archive file that contains the installation files for Pathloss 5 software. Pathloss 5 software is a popular and widely used microwave design tool that can help you plan and optimize your wireless network. In this article, we will explain what Pathloss 5 software is, how to download and install it, how to use it, and what are its benefits.
What is Pathloss 5 software?
Pathloss 5 software is a program that enables quick and accurate analysis of wireless links, taking into account various factors such as weight, pressure, thermal, seismic, and other static and dynamic conditions. The program can handle point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, area coverage, interference, and multiband links. The program also supports various terrain data sources, antenna data files, radio data files, vector files, image files, and ODBC databases. The program has a user-friendly interface that allows you to view and manipulate your network in a graphical display. You can also generate reports and export them in various formats.
How to download and install Pathloss 5 software?
To download and install Pathloss 5 software, you need to follow these steps:
Visit the official website of Pathloss at and click on the "Pathloss 6 is Now Available!" button.
Fill out the form with your name, email address, company name, phone number, country, and serial number. If you do not have a serial number, you can contact Contract Telecommunication Engineering (CTE) at to purchase one.
After submitting the form, you will receive an email with a link to download the program. Click on the link and save the file PATHLOSS 5.rar to your computer.
Extract the file PATHLOSS 5.rar using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip. You will see a folder called PL50B containing several files.
Run the file pl5_setup.exe and follow the on-screen instructions to install the program. You may need to run it as administrator if you are using Windows Vista or later.
When the installation is complete, start the program from the Windows desktop icon or from the Start menu.
Click on the "Initialize Program" menu item and enter your serial number. Select an initialization option (Internet connection or Manual) and click on the blue arrow button. The program will process the initialization automatically or ask you to enter an activation code.
You have successfully downloaded and installed Pathloss 5 software.
How to use Pathloss 5 software?
Pathloss 5 software is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you design and optimize your wireless links. However, to use it effectively, you need to know how to perform some basic operations, such as entering site information, configuring terrain data, creating and designing links, and generating reports. In this section, we will provide you with some simple tutorials on how to use Pathloss 5 software for these tasks.
How to enter site information?
Site information is the data that describes the location, elevation, and characteristics of the transmitter and receiver sites in your network. You can enter site information manually or import it from a text file. To enter site information manually, follow these steps:
Click View - Site List to bring up the Site index. You can also click the Site list button on the toolbar.
Click on the first cell in the Site Name Column. Enter a name for the site and press the Tab key to move the to next cell.
Enter a Latitude for the site and press Tab. Enter a Longitude. This is the minimum required information for a site.
You can also enter other optional information, such as Elevation, Antenna Height, Antenna Type, Antenna Gain, Antenna Tilt, etc.
Add more sites using the same method. You can also copy and paste data from other sources, such as Excel or Google Earth.
Close the Site list and the sites will be shown in the GIS window.
To import site information from a text file, follow these steps:
Prepare a text file with site information in a comma-separated or tab-delimited format. The first row should contain the column headers, such as Site Name, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, etc. The following rows should contain the data for each site.
Click File - Import - Sites from text file. Browse to select the text file and click Open.
Select the delimiter type (comma or tab) and click Next.
Map the columns in the text file to the corresponding fields in Pathloss 5 software. You can drag and drop the column headers or use the arrow buttons. Click Next.
Review the imported data and make any changes if needed. Click Finish.
The imported sites will be added to the Site index and shown in the GIS window.
How to configure terrain data?
Terrain data is the data that describes the elevation and land use of the area between the transmitter and receiver sites. Terrain data is essential for calculating path loss, diffraction loss, reflection loss, and other factors that affect wireless link performance. Pathloss 5 software supports various terrain data sources, such as SRTM, DTED, USGS DEM, etc. To configure terrain data, follow these steps:
Click Configure - Terrain Data Sources. This will open the Terrain Data Sources window.
Click Add to add a new terrain data source. A dialog box will appear where you can enter the name and description of the source.
Select the type of terrain data from the drop-down list. Depending on the type, you may need to enter additional parameters, such as resolution, projection, datum, etc.
Browse to select the folder where the terrain data files are stored. You can also use GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) to access terrain data from various formats and sources.
Click OK to add the terrain data source. You can also edit or delete existing sources using the buttons on the right side of the window.
Close the Terrain Data Sources window when you are done.
How to create and design links?
A link is a connection between two sites that represents a wireless transmission path. You can create links manually or import them from a text file. To create links manually, follow these steps:
Select the Point to Point Link cursor from the toolbar. This cursor is used to create and interact with links.
Left click on one of the sites and drag to the other site to create the link. You can also right click on a site and select Create Link from Site from the pop-up menu.
You can now left click on the link to access the modules of the link design tool. Right clicking on links or sites will allow you to adjust attributes (appearance) and access other options.
To import links from a text file, follow these steps:
Prepare a text file with link information in a comma-separated or tab-delimited format. The first row should contain the column headers, such as Link Name, Tx Site, Rx Site, Frequency, Bandwidth, etc. The following rows should contain the data for each link.
Click File - Import - Links from text file. Browse to select the text file and click Open.
Select the delimiter type (comma or tab) and click Next.
Map the columns in the text file to the corresponding fields in Pathloss 5 software. You can drag and drop the column headers or use the arrow buttons. Click Next.
Review the imported data and make any changes if needed. Click Finish.
The imported links will be added to the Link index and shown in the GIS window.
To design links, you need to use the link design tool that consists of several modules, such as Path Profile, Link Budget, Interference Analysis, Diversity Analysis, etc. Each module has its own window and functions that allow you to perform various calculations and simulations for your links. You can access the modules by left clicking on a link and selecting the module from the pop-up menu. You can also use the toolbar buttons or the View menu to access the modules. Here are some brief descriptions of the main modules:
Path Profile
This module shows the elevation profile of the link and allows you to adjust parameters such as antenna heights, antenna tilts, earth curvature, refraction, clutter, etc. You can also view the Fresnel zones, diffraction loss, reflection loss, and other factors that affect the link performance.
Link Budget
This module shows the link budget of the link and allows you to adjust parameters such as frequency, bandwidth, modulation, coding, power, gain, loss, fade margin, availability, etc. You can also view the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), bit error rate (BER), capacity, throughput, and other metrics that measure the link quality.
Interference Analysis
This module shows the interference analysis of the link and allows you to adjust parameters such as interference sources, interference criteria, interference margin, etc. You can also view the co-channel interference (CCI), adjacent channel interference (ACI), intermodulation interference (IMI), and other types of interference that affect the link performance.
Diversity Analysis
This module shows the diversity analysis of the link and allows you to adjust parameters such as diversity type, diversity gain, diversity improvement factor, etc. You can also view the diversity gain curves, diversity improvement curves, and other graphs that show how diversity improves the link performance.
Area Coverage
This module shows the area coverage of the link and allows you to adjust parameters such as coverage type, coverage criteria, coverage threshold, etc. You can also view the coverage map, coverage statistics, coverage histogram, and other information that show how well the link covers a given area.
How to generate reports?
To generate reports for your links, you need to use the report generator tool that allows you to create and export reports in various formats. To generate reports, follow these steps:
Select one or more links from the Link index or from the GIS window. You can use Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiple links.
Click File - Report Generator. This will open the Report Generator window.
Select a report template from the drop-down list. You can also create your own report template by clicking Edit - Report Template Editor.
Select a report format from the drop-down list. You can choose from PDF, HTML, RTF, TXT, CSV, XLSX formats.
Select a report destination from the drop-down list. You can choose to save it to a file or send it by email.
Click Generate Report. The program will create and export your report according to your settings.
What are the benefits of Pathloss 5 software?
Pathloss 5 software is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you design and optimize your wireless links. Compared to other similar software in the market, Pathloss 5 software has several benefits that make it stand out:
It supports various types of links and scenarios: point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, area coverage, interference, and multiband links. You can design links for various applications, such as cellular, microwave, satellite, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, etc.
It supports various terrain data sources and formats: SRTM, DTED, USGS DEM, etc. You can also use GDAL to access terrain data from various formats and sources. You can select and generate terrain data for any region in the world.
It has a user-friendly interface and a graphical display: You can view and manipulate your network in a GIS window that shows the sites, links, terrain, and coverage. You can also use various tools and menus to access the functions and modules of the program.
It has a comprehensive link design tool and a report generator tool: You can use the link design tool to perform various calculations and simulations for your links. You can also use the report generator tool to create and export reports in various formats.
It has a high accuracy and reliability: The program uses advanced algorithms and models to calculate path loss, diffraction loss, reflection loss, interference, diversity, etc. The program also follows the standards and recommendations of ITU-R, IEEE, ETSI, etc.
In conclusion, Pathloss 5 software is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you design and optimize your wireless links. It is a popular and widely used microwave design tool that can handle various types of links and scenarios. It supports various terrain data sources and formats. It has a user-friendly interface and a graphical display. It has a comprehensive link design tool and a report generator tool. It has a high accuracy and reliability. If you are looking for a path design tool for radio links, you should definitely try Pathloss 5 software.
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Pathloss 5 software:
What are the system requirements for Pathloss 5 software?
Pathloss 5 software runs on Windows XP or later operating systems. It requires at least 1 GB of RAM and 500 MB of disk space. It also requires an internet connection for initialization and updates.
How much does Pathloss 5 software cost?
Pathloss 5 software is sold by Contract Telecommunication Engineering (CTE) at The price depends on the number of licenses and the type of support you need. You can contact CTE at to get a quote.
How can I get technical support for Pathloss 5 software?
You can get technical support for Pathloss 5 software by contacting CTE at You can also visit the Pathloss forum at to interact with other users and experts.
How can I learn more about Pathloss 5 software?
You can learn more about Pathloss 5 software by visiting the official website at You can also download the user manual from You can also watch some video tutorials from
What is the difference between Pathloss 5 software and Pathloss 6 software?
Pathloss 6 software is the latest version of Pathloss software that was released in 2023. It has some new features and improvements over Pathloss 5 software, such as:
It supports multiple frequency bands in a single link.
It supports multiple polarization modes in a single link.
It supports MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) technology.
It supports beamforming technology.
It supports adaptive modulation and coding (AMC).
It has an improved user interface and graphical display.
It has an improved report generator tool.
You can upgrade from Pathloss 5 software to Pathloss 6 software by contacting CTE at You can also visit the official website of Pathloss 6 software at to learn more about Pathloss 6 software. dcd2dc6462