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Sell Your Ideas With or Without A Patent download epub mobi pdf fb2

If you have a great idea for a product or service, you might be wondering how to sell it to potential customers or licensees. You might also be wondering if you need a patent to protect your idea from being copied or stolen by others. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of selling your ideas with or without a patent, and how to download an ebook that will guide you through the process.


What is a patent and why do you need one?

A patent is a legal document that grants you the exclusive right to make, use, sell, or license your invention for a limited period of time, usually 20 years. A patent also discloses your invention to the public, so that others can learn from it and improve upon it. To get a patent, you need to file an application with the patent office of your country, and prove that your invention is novel, useful, and non-obvious.

The main benefit of having a patent is that it gives you a competitive edge over others who might want to copy or imitate your idea. It also allows you to charge higher prices for your product or service, and attract investors or partners who are interested in your innovation. A patent can also increase your credibility and reputation as an inventor.

However, getting a patent can also be costly, time-consuming, and risky. You need to hire a patent attorney or agent to draft and file your application, which can cost thousands of dollars. You also need to pay fees to the patent office and maintain your patent by paying renewal fees every few years. Moreover, there is no guarantee that your patent will be granted or that it will be valid and enforceable in court. You might also face challenges or lawsuits from competitors who claim that your patent infringes on theirs.

How to sell your ideas without a patent?

If you don't want to go through the hassle and expense of getting a patent, you can still sell your ideas without one. However, you need to be careful about how you disclose and market your idea, and how you negotiate with potential buyers or licensees.

One way to sell your ideas without a patent is to use a provisional patent application (PPA). A PPA is a document that describes your invention in detail and establishes a filing date with the patent office. A PPA does not grant you any rights, but it allows you to use the term "patent pending" on your product or service for up to 12 months. This can deter others from copying your idea and give you some leverage when negotiating with potential buyers or licensees. However, you still need to file a regular patent application within 12 months of filing the PPA, or else you will lose your priority date and risk exposing your idea to the public.

Another way to sell your ideas without a patent is to use a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). An NDA is a contract that binds the parties involved to keep the information confidential and not use it for their own benefit. An NDA can protect your idea from being disclosed or stolen by others before you finalize a deal. However, an NDA can also limit your options and opportunities, as some buyers or licensees might be reluctant to sign one. Moreover, an NDA can be difficult to enforce if the other party breaches it or claims that they already knew about your idea before signing it.

How to download an ebook that will teach you how to sell your ideas with or without a patent?

If you want to learn more about how to sell your ideas with or without a patent, you can download an ebook that will teach you everything you need to know. The ebook is called "Sell Your Ideas With or Without A Patent" and it is written by Stephen Key, a successful inventor and entrepreneur who has licensed over 20 products to various companies.

In this ebook, you will learn how to:

  • Study the marketplace and evaluate your ideas

  • Prototype your idea and create a one-sentence benefit statement

  • Create marketing material to present your product to companies

  • Protect your idea with a well-written PPA

  • Find potential buyers or licensees and negotiate the best deal

  • Avoid common mistakes and pitfalls that can ruin your chances of success

The ebook is available in epub, mobi, pdf, and fb2 formats, so you can read it on any device. You can download it for free by clicking on the link below:

Sell Your Ideas With or Without A Patent download epub mobi pdf fb2

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from an expert how to turn your ideas into profits with or without a patent. Download the ebook today and start selling your ideas tomorrow!

What are some examples of successful ideas that were sold with or without a patent?

To inspire you and show you what is possible, here are some examples of successful ideas that were sold with or without a patent:

  • The Teddy Bear: In 1902, Morris Michtom, a candy shop owner, saw a cartoon of President Theodore Roosevelt refusing to shoot a bear cub. He decided to make a stuffed toy bear and call it "Teddy's Bear". He sent one to the president and asked for his permission to use his name. The president agreed and the teddy bear became a huge hit. Michtom did not patent his idea, but he founded the Ideal Toy Company and became a millionaire.

  • The Post-it Note: In 1968, Spencer Silver, a chemist at 3M, accidentally invented a low-tack adhesive that could stick to surfaces without leaving any residue. He tried to find a use for it, but no one was interested. In 1974, Art Fry, another 3M employee, had an idea to use the adhesive to make bookmarks that could stick to pages and be easily removed. He called them "Post-it Notes" and convinced 3M to market them. The Post-it Note became one of the most popular office products ever. Silver and Fry patented their invention and received royalties from 3M.

  • The Slinky: In 1943, Richard James, a naval engineer, was working on a device that could stabilize sensitive instruments on ships. He accidentally knocked over a coil of metal and saw it "walk" down a stack of books. He realized that it could be a fun toy and showed it to his wife Betty. She named it "Slinky" and they borrowed $500 to make 400 units. They sold them all in 90 minutes at a department store in Philadelphia. They did not patent their idea, but they founded the James Industries and sold over 300 million Slinkys worldwide.

As you can see, you don't need a patent to sell your ideas. You just need to be creative, persistent, and smart. With the help of the ebook "Sell Your Ideas With or Without A Patent", you can learn how to do it too.


Selling your ideas with or without a patent can be a rewarding and profitable way to turn your imagination into reality. You don't need to spend a lot of money or time on getting a patent, if you know how to protect and market your idea effectively. You can also use alternative methods such as PPAs or NDAs to secure your rights and negotiate with potential buyers or licensees.

If you want to learn more about how to sell your ideas with or without a patent, you can download the ebook "Sell Your Ideas With or Without A Patent" by Stephen Key. This ebook will teach you everything you need to know about licensing your ideas to companies and collecting royalties. You will also get tips and tricks from a successful inventor who has licensed over 20 products to various companies.

The ebook is available in epub, mobi, pdf, and fb2 formats, so you can read it on any device. You can download it for free by clicking on the link below:

Sell Your Ideas With or Without A Patent download epub mobi pdf fb2

Don't wait any longer. Download the ebook today and start selling your ideas tomorrow!


Selling your ideas with or without a patent can be a rewarding and profitable way to turn your imagination into reality. You don't need to spend a lot of money or time on getting a patent, if you know how to protect and market your idea effectively. You can also use alternative methods such as PPAs or NDAs to secure your rights and negotiate with potential buyers or licensees.

If you want to learn more about how to sell your ideas with or without a patent, you can download the ebook "Sell Your Ideas With or Without A Patent" by Stephen Key. This ebook will teach you everything you need to know about licensing your ideas to companies and collecting royalties. You will also get tips and tricks from a successful inventor who has licensed over 20 products to various companies.

The ebook is available in epub, mobi, pdf, and fb2 formats, so you can read it on any device. You can download it for free by clicking on the link below:

Sell Your Ideas With or Without A Patent download epub mobi pdf fb2

Don't wait any longer. Download the ebook today and start selling your ideas tomorrow! 6c859133af


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