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Honda Cbr 250 For Sale In Illinois

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honda cbr 250 for sale in illinois

10-21-20 Update: Five years later, this MC19 is back up for sale with a few more miles (9,029) and a ton more photos (as is per usual from this seller). Find it in Chicago, Illinois with bidding up to $4,550 and the reserve not yet met here on eBay.

Ken's Sports is Wisconsin's largest powersports dealer! We sell vehicles and equipment for all of your adventures on land and water. Check out our large selections of new motorsports vehicles for sale, new boats for sale, and our used powersports vehicles and boats.

We are located in Kaukauna, Wisconsin, right outside Appleton, about 20 miles from Green Bay, and about 100 miles north of Milwaukee. Visit or contact us today for the best in sales, service, and parts for motorsports vehicles and boats!

JiMMMI utanagaM.ksm x Pqutical Cum ??The Columbia (8. C.) 9mA ?" W" *r?ifltrat the agitation of Um pant taw jean, bow IAO and uninteresting, politically speaking, m hpresent calm. It is a calm unmistakably, bowovarscluManUy tbej who And in agitation themes suitable 1Cm display of the peculiar rhetoric may believe. N?sen has the landing of the cargo by Um wanderer eerve tAs rekindle tbe embers. It is aa flat a failure, so faraeagitation is concerned, as was the trial of the Robe'sareer. The prophets of the political weai her had told usMat the Kcho case would produce an uprising at tbeBvuth that would snap In train every bouu or the UnioaThey thought the laterals had been sovered, and this cajewould give fulcrum sufficient to pop the top root. Theywere deceived In the fulcrum, and the pi odu tiou was notrra'iaed Next came the Wanderer case Greeley aud hiehost thought they would set from it breeze sufO''ient to tillfee r tupping Balls, but they, too, wore disappointed. Ataw da\t Senator Iverson, of Georgia, made a viotant s?..a a- R/vtH *.Anrta Wilfft fkilttfM.wnd aiirm led Utile or uo attention either North or South.A calm reign*", and until some other exciting topic arisesNr politicians will be without stock hi trade.Politick un Rhode Isla-nd.?totne time ainco the ro mbleu.inod straight out Americana in Rhode Island tried tofwtch vp a fusion, but failed. The republicans hare nowpwbltsbed an address, in which they endeavor to throwth? onus of the failure on tho Know Nothings, uud assertllulr determination to go it alone, on the Seward plattermfin DoiuLAS aa'ti Krren Cori-ksponiiicmtk?It ifl quitellkt'!y that 'be lato "correspondence" belwotn SenatorsDouglas ami Fitch, ta>? the Alexandria (Va.) Gcuctte, willgo to break up the custom of obtruding such thingsb- 'ore the public. Tho roar of laughter and ridiculewb to the other, nm?t have tho effect of deterring othersfttiu a ike experiment upon tho patience of tho Intelligentpeople of the couttiy.Goxkhkor or Mitmwum?Hon. John A. Orr, a brotherof the pr? seiil Speaker of the House of Representatives, istpokiu of in tho Mississippi papers as the domociutic canAil ate for Governor at tho approaching elect on.Frohtamx I.bcitre.?At tho close of the sitting of thoBouse of Representatives at Spriugfleld, 111., last week,the Clerk read the following:?I ktn requested to anonuncp that Rev. Dr. HcFarlandwill deliver a looiure this evening in this hall, on ho"houcalion of idiots." Members of the legislature oreItivitei to alleud.Goverhoh Hmuhy at Lkoompton?Hie Excellency wentInto a burhi r's hop at Lecorapton to got shave I. Thebarber is a b.ack man, and belongs to Judge Elmore. AsBootias seated tho following dialogue occurred:?Cot. M ? I'll sbavc by the month.RASHES ?Don't know, Uassa, about that.Cox.? Vli> not, ToiuVBai.kkr ?, Maesa, you Guhunurs stay mightyShort t rue iu Kansas.The President.?Tlie I.ynchburg (Va.) Republican saysteat Mr. Ruchuiian dictated, with inuch solemnity of tone,M longer ago than Saturday, that under no circumstanceswhatever would be bo a candidate before the Charleston0?D?ei>tiou, and it the nomination was tendered him beweald not accept it.Iowa.?The next (October) election in Iowa is quite important,uud probably will be sharply contested by therepablu.ans and democrats. A Legislature for two years,pan which will depend a succescor to James Harlan,United States Senator, a Governor, Lieutenant Governor,aa?i three Judges of the Supreme Court are to be chosenat that time.Tlie Delawure Lottery Bill.The great bailie m the Legislature of Deluware over thoIwtery gran has resulted in the final passage of the bill.It paeei U UK S- uute on the 20th by a vote of five to four,having previously pasted the House by ayes twelve, nayslevee, a majority of one in each bouse. It goes into itnmediuuefleet, uud grants to Richard France, Ksq., of Balaam'..,the privilege ol drawing lotteries and selling lotterytickets In dial Slate for tie period of twenty years,Inten aiders'ion of whirh h" Ik 10 pay a bonur of $27,000, tobe devoted to tuulding railroads, chuiohea, school houses,w.l> r works, &c., in the Stile.Tl e hill ui?o cunUins the following appropriations:?$ 06,0011 to the ex etiKion of tho ltelaware Railroid;II 14,to Hie liit-piHion and riiopiuuk Rail mad; $-19,000 10 thoFiedei iia Kuihoad, $'270.uCti to the Junction and Broakw.nerHal road, $10,1 OO to the iluiderkdu Navigation Compau>; $in,i 00 o an Acad* luy at Fulton, $10,000 to InipiovuDock en $10,i'00 to nop tin tnouth of old Duckr--?k $'0,(i024,000,000. This, the reader, ofcourse, will lake to indicate a corresponding increase intbe business of the road, and a complete victory overallpossible competitors for that business. It indicates nothingof the sort. 'On the contrary, wbilo the investment or the companyhas been tbuB expanded, the remunerative employment ofthe road has been steadily diminishing through a progressiveand simultaneous fall both in the amount of businessdone and In tne rates at which it is transacted.In 1965 the Reading Railroad earned a net proSt ofS2,800,0(10 on an Investment of $18,000,000, with a transportbusiness amounting to 2,213.202 tons of coal; an increaseof 603,202 tons on the business of 1861.In 1868 the road earned a net profit of $1,300,000 on anInvestment of $24,000,000, with a transport businessamounting to 1,641,601 tons of coal; a decrease of 670,701tons on the business of 1856, aod a decrease also of 1100C0Ions on the business of 1861.To wbnt causes is this extraordinary result to be attributed!1In the four years, 1866-8, must be comprised, it is true,tbe twelve months of depression In all sorts or buslne.^s,which followed tbe crisis of 1867; but against this period >of partial parallels must be set off the two most enormouslyactive and productive yoars ot the century, 1865-0and in which the business of such a road, ii properlyconducted, ought to bavo earned enough, and morethan enough, to carry the company tranquilly over thelull ensuing. In point of fact, however, the serious reductionof the company's receipts, resulting in bankruptcyat the first touch of the panic ot 1867, dates backto these very years of plenty. This will be seen at oncebv n glance at tne following table:? .1866 $2.800,0(10 1867 $1,463,7681866 $1,044,722 1868 $1,800,000Ibis tremendous decrease, amounting to a falliug oil' ofover 60 cent in the course of four years, is clearly not tobo enrried to the account of the recent suspension in thegeneral business of the country. We must look elsewberofor Its origin. It is too well defined and regular not toarise from some steady external agency, pressing uponsome internal weakness in the organization of the companyitself. It has the characteristics of a chronic, notun acuto, disorder.Annexed is the latest statement of the Bank of EnglandBank of England.An account, pursuant to the act 7th and 8th Victoria, c.32 for the week ending Wednesday. Jon. 12, 1868.wmi i MSAMMBKotoaissued ?33,03(1.10" Ooverhm t actH.xti.oiO.looOther securities.. 3,469,900Gold coin ftbul'n.18,601,100?33,036,100 ?33,030,100banking pkpabtment, 'Prcpr'tors' eap'l?14,563,000 Government secu- ,Rest 8,214,101 ritics (IncludingPublic, deposits, in- dead weight aneluding Fxene- nuiiy; x.iv,o,oviquer, Havings' Other securities. .16,664,194Banks, Commls Notes 11,066,935sioners or ns- Gold k silver coin 631,260tion&l debt anddividend acc'ts. 5,618,742Other deposits.. .16,726,808Seven days' andother bills 838,586?89,860,186 ?39,860,186This statement shows the following variations, as comparedwith the previous week:?Increase. Decrease.Public deposits ? ?4,113,607Other deposits ?2,145,702 ?Notes in circulation 197,916 ?ReH 47,239 Onthe other side of the account?Government securities ? 107,124Other securities ? 1,046,648Coin and bullion 46,701 ?Notes unt uiployed ? 265,006The return of the Bank of France for the month endingthe 13th inst shows a decrease as compared with tbo precedingmonth of ?1,138,000 on the specie, and ?2,459 onthe government deposits, and an increase of ?1,721,000 onthe discounts; ?2,697,000 on the circulation; ?1,366,000on the private deposits; ?6,700 on advances on governmentsecurities; $077,000 on advances on railway securitics.The lollowiDg arc the official statements of the PennsylvaniaCentral and Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroadsfor December and for the year 1S58. Both roads,a;is known, are under the same head:?PWRSTLVARIA CiCNTRAL.(irntt NetEarnings. Expenses. Earnings.Dec,., 1858 8419.971 06 8263,246 46 8147,726 6?tipos $7,866 2i Cost of ruining 27,920 2jiuiu.K nance m nu mm ry tMaintenance of way , he 43,491 2General expenses 19,921 CTotnl $117,599 2Expenses tame month mat year 72,969 fIncrease $44,729 fNet earnings in December, 1859 13,908 1?' ?' 1857 38,769 CDecrease $24,790 V1 Gross earnings for tbo year endrDg December81, 1818 1,567,086 t" " " 1867. 1,660,424 f.Decrease $93,388 GExpenses for the year ending Dec. 81,1868 . 978,146 C*' " ? 1857. 1,036,011 iDecrease $66,864 7Net earrings for yoar ending Dsc. 31, 1868.. 668,889 3? ? " 1867 . 626,418 4Decrease.., $36,624 1Stock Exchange.tfoxiiAT, Jan. 81.1869$1000 CS6's 101? 100 aha Heading RK.. 48>2000 Ohio 6's't'O.. 101 600 do s30 48'3(00 KentucKy C S. 104X 20o do atO 48?6n00T.nn 6's,'90, 90X 1000 do .. 48?6003 Vag ina 6'S... P6)4 600 do 1? "^110000 .10 v"** 100 Q0 Gal 7'a, nebs. 86X lu0 do ^ 4"1000 NTC'en rl e?7's 89 HOO do s?0 47?600 NVCen HRT'a 108 do "60 47!2060 NYC.; ,'76 103 600 do ?*t.?The market was steady, but salea were limitft ed. Tho stock of coffee February 1, 1869, waa M fbl- Iowa5 Rio, hags 12,000 Torlo Rico, bag* 10Msracalbo 4.777 Pt [>omingo 0laguayra 1,860 Java 6,26.Umno* 960 Do., male.. .62,875^ Aneoaiera 200 .{ Total bags 20,44', tonus ?The sales were confined to 000 a 700 balca, thiu.srkel closing quiet at 12c. for middling uplands* FsiJ


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